Why Employee Engagement matters more than ever before

December 8, 2020
written by Amr "The Internet Guy!"
employee engagement

Important stats to know if you’re serious about employee engagement!

HumanTalents Tech

Are employees actively engaged in their jobs?

  • Did you know that up to 85% of employees globally don’t feel actively engaged?
  • Can you guess in which region of the world employees feel the most engaged?
  • Are the older workers more engaged than the younger ones?

Is Employee Engagement important?

The views and statistics would always prove the positive role that employee engagement plays in an organization, but there are many factors that organizations who are seeking to boost their employee engagement, need to know.
Here are a few:

  • The Organization
  • The Manager
  • The Processes

These important factors details and statistics are part of the 12 Employee Engagement Statistics You Need To Know In 2020
Courtesy of peoplemanagingpeople.com


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EP:13 Write Quickly, Painlessly, & Effectively with Leandre Larouche

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Amr "The Internet Guy!"

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