Online 🌎 With Amr The Internet Guy!
Episode 14: Having More Energy, Less stress and, Better Nutrition – With Nabila Bhimji

Online! Episode 14:
Everyone needs to have more energy, less stress, and better health, especially entrepreneurs who are working long hours and not taking good care of themselves.
We are too busy with the business and life in general, juggling work and family. And we forget to look after ourselves, especially when it comes to eating healthy.
I have met many entrepreneurs that do the same thing! You end-up eating what’s readily available, you eat what’s quick, what’s easy, but not necessarily what’s good for you!
This can have very bad effects, not only on the long-term health, but also on your levels of energy, and stress, focus etc.
You need to be full of energy in order to get things done in order to do more, and grow your business and be more useful to the people around you and of course your clients.
My guest today is Nabila Bhimji, an expert on Holistic Nutrition, She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and we discussed how to eat better (not boring but better) in order to have more energy, focus, and overall health! What are the “superfoods” What breakfast to have when you are in a hurry And of course “websites” and how to tell when it’s time for your site to get a facelift!
Table of Contents:
1:50 Introduction: Journey to Nutrition
5:35 Nutritionist vs Dietitian
13:25 Body size and health
17:00 Managing your time
20:30 Superfoods
25:25 Managing fatigue: Things to check
30:00 More than food: Improvement for everyone
36:20 Website Rejuvenation
How to Get in Touch with Nabila:
Website: (this is where you can download the free recipes)
FB: Mindful Nourishment
This Podcast is available at your favorite Podcast/Streaming network including Spotify, Google Podcasts and iTunes.
Online! Episode 14 Video:
Episode 14 Transcription:
Amr The Internet Guy
Hi, guys, and welcome to another episode of online. You know, many entrepreneurs, including myself, are too busy with, you know, growing their business and life in general, especially if you do have a family as well as your business. And we forget to look after ourselves, especially when it comes to eating healthy. I have met so many entrepreneurs that do the same thing you eat, what’s available, you eat what’s quick, what’s easy, but not necessarily what’s good for you. Some of us have developed some problems, others didn’t. But overall, we are not following the best advice. And we are not actually eating what’s good for our bodies and our health, which can have very bad effects, not only on the long term health, but also on your level of energy, you need to be full of energy in order to get things done in order to do more, and to grow your business and be more useful to the people around you and to your clients. But many of us are not doing that. And many of us actually suffer from different things that could be related to our nutrition. So today, I have a special guest, who’s going to tell us all about the right nutrition, and we’re gonna explore the concept of holistic nutrition, as well as how do nutritions do their stuff online. So without further ado, let’s meet Nabila. Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of online today. I have Nabila here with me. She is a registered holistic nutritionist. Did I say that? Right?
Nabila Bhimji
You did say it right.
Amr The Internet Guy
Okay, good. Because sometimes I make mistakes in my own name.
Nabila Bhimji
That’s great.
Amr The Internet Guy
So I have so many questions for you. I don’t know where to start. So one of the things that caught my attention when I was looking at your website, is the story behind you know how you became a nutritionist. And as I read a little bit more, there was a lot of acting and stuff like I didn’t, oh, my god, she’s done that she’s done that so I’m gonna let you
Nabila Bhimji
are you surprised? Sorry. very shy personality, right? Yeah. Um, so my journey to nursing nutrition started when I was younger, I was always reading like prevention magazine, or Health magazine, while all the other teenagers were sweet Valley High or a team beat. And it was a passion of mine, I used to drive my mom crazy when we went grocery shopping, just like nope, don’t buy that pie this then I became close to, you know, as preteen and teenager and watching the shows on TV and the other girls talk and really cluing into the big body obsession that we have. I wasn’t overweight by any means. But it started to put me on that path of being body conscious. Then I got involved in modeling acting industry. Sometimes in front of the camera, sometimes behind is an agent. So through all that pressure there to look perfect to look skinny, I developed an eating disorder and an addiction to diet pills. So the effects so the ephedra stuff, you know, it makes it feel like you’re on speed, you’ve got so much energy and when you eat, you only need to eat two bites of food and you’ve got all this energy and it was an amazing Hi. And so between the diet pills and pretty much starving herself, I developed an eating disorder passport to one day when I was driving to an acting class and I had to pull over because I felt so sick from not having eaten that day. And I had to go to the closest fast food restaurant to eat and I said, there is no way I can sustain myself this way. I have to learn how to eat and love my body and stuff again. So I went to the Canadian School of Natural nutrition because I wanted something that’s holistic. That’s also going to talk about why you eat the way you do. And the self esteem piece and mind body spirit. So through taking that course I realized my passion for nutrition. So the short version of this story I
Amr The Internet Guy
started doing it before this huge awareness of you know organic stuff and eating healthy and like you probably were doing it when nobody else thought of that right?
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah. And so it’s really funny when there’s a new cast it says the newest superfood or the newest way to eat and I’m like you’re just
Amr The Internet Guy
know I’m from the Middle East, right? And we dates right. I think dates sometimes to games like when we used to play soccer before. Great And they say, Oh, these are super foods. I’m thinking like, do they just did? We never think about it this way.
Nabila Bhimji
There’s superfoods, though. But yeah, it’s it’s like no brainer to us. But
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, I thought I think there are a lot of superfoods not just dates, I think I was told about something goes, but I can’t remember it, you’re probably gonna tell me a bit. Um, the part that I think many people wouldn’t understand is, what’s the difference between a nutritionist and dietitian,
Nabila Bhimji
this is where I get into this is where I’m gonna get in trouble.
Amr The Internet Guy
So typically do not say anything.
Nabila Bhimji
So typically, when you go to a dietitian, they point to the the food, the government’s food chart, have you studied this many carbs, as many proteins as much fat. Some of them talk about food quality, some of them don’t. So that’s one thing. And the other thing is, if you go in for heart problems, they’re only going to look at your heart. Wherever someone comes in for heart, I’m going to look oh, well, how’s your liver? How’s your debt? Are you diabetic is that what like, I will look at how the whole body system works together, as opposed to one piece. And also I don’t look for band aids and look for the root cause. Like, you know, like traditional medicine, even here is some status or some Metformin. If you have diabetes, I’m like, Why are you getting that you need to address the why. So you can prevent future damage, maybe even not have to take medication down the road. I also look at your mindset, your mind your what’s your soul calling you to do? What are you missing? What traumas and diseases are hidden in your body? Because I really believe that disease, not COVID yeah, hopefully. Right?
Amr The Internet Guy
Nabila Bhimji
So, you know, diseases, your way, your body’s way of saying or your soul’s way of saying, there’s some there’s a bigger picture, there’s an trauma that hasn’t been healed, or an emotion that is blocked, and we can’t get your attention any other way by making you sick. It’s too bad. I can’t be more specific
Amr The Internet Guy
and to hit you on the head and tell you exactly what the problem is. But I guess that’s where I come in. Because I can ask you a question. It’s actually I don’t think many people would know, the relation. Yeah. Between nutrition and mental health, not just physical health. Yeah, you know, that some food may make you sad. Some food make you upset. I mean, we know coffee makes you hyper. That’s, you know, everybody knows that. But like, there are some foods that can make that, you know, change your mood or whatever. So,
Nabila Bhimji
like food additives, especially we were talking but ADHD and yeah, yeah. And yellow dye number five, the trick tartrazine that’s one of the main culprits with affecting your mood. I mean, all of them. Really, but that was that’s been the biggest. aspartame is a neurotoxin. And people drink the diet.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s considered new neurotoxic is also in chewing gum.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, some chewing gums.
Amr The Internet Guy
No, the, I don’t know the sugar free.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah. Better to have a little bit of sugar once in a while then have the chemical stuff. And that’s the same with fat. When a product is fat free, that means that there’s more sugar. So if you look at that free milk, look at how much sugar is in there. So it’s better to have 2% or full fat and just have less of it. So that’s the trap. A lot of people buy fat.
Amr The Internet Guy
You can find full fat milk.
Amr The Internet Guy
But I don’tunderstand the 1% 2% 3% because where I where I came from it was either skimmed. Yeah. Or milk. Like there was no percentages. it just says milk.Skimmed is bad for you because they upped the sugar. So any food that has low fat is going up the sugar the sugar has to taste. taste. Yeah, yeah. Well, they’re scientists, they’re hired specifically to make food addictive for us. So food companies will hire scientists to put the right amount of fat, salt
Amr The Internet Guy
and sugar, sugary Look, they slip sugar and everything in our life. But you’ve got some time. I’m aware of it that like now I know. It’s in a lot of stuff. Yeah. But many people like you’ll be unsuspecting, because you’re looking at how many spoons of sugar you put in your coffee or tea. But you’re actually not thinking about what other stuff you had today. That’s sugar. It’s not It’s not your chocolate. It’s it’s actually Things You Didn’t snakey Yeah, like salad dressing. barbecue. Your milk has sugar. People don’t know that milk. Dairy is a sugar. Yeah, a little bit of sugar.
Nabila Bhimji
It is a sugar, the lactose,
Amr The Internet Guy
the lactose. Yeah. And, and the juices that say no added sugar. That doesn’t mean it’s sugar free. It means the sugar comes from the juice that didn’t just inject more sugar. into it
Nabila Bhimji
Exactly.That’s why it’s better to eat whole fruit than the juice. Yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
So always read the label,
Nabila Bhimji
always read the label.
Amr The Internet Guy
I’m interested to know, how would someone know that they need help in that domain? Like, it’s not something that I mean, forgive me like, I don’t know much about the industry.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
I wouldn’t dare to call it not mainstream, but I’ve never heard anyone saying, I have a problem. I need a nutritionist.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
So how would somebody know? Like,
Nabila Bhimji
well I have. Otherwise I’d have no clients! Um, so I deal a lot with chronic fatigue, specifically adrenal fatigue so and mental wellness on one end, so you know, if you’re all constantly tired, if it’s bedtime and you’re tired, but wired and can’t fall asleep, if you’re dragging yourself throughout the day and need caffeine to get through, if your stress is off the if you can’t handle if your stress is off the charts and you can’t pass law that don’t worry,
Amr The Internet Guy
caffeine, okay.
Nabila Bhimji
If your stress is off the charts are a little things like if you split that cup of coffee, and you went completely Berserk and it ruins your whole day, you’re like, what was your adrenal are messed up? And those are they sit on top of your kidneys and they’re responsible for your flight or flight or freeze freeze Okay, hormones. So we’re not cave people where you know, if a dinosaurs chasing you and you’re it’s over with you went into your cave, and you can relax. We’ve got the stress that’s always there. Whether we’re thinking about am I COVID? Am I going to lose my job? Am I gonna get sick, you know, my family this that. So that stuff that you’re stressed about all the time, whether you realize it or not, now your cortisol is firing,
Amr The Internet Guy
Probably you’ll end up eating the wrong foods as well.
Oh for sure That’s a big reason for
Amr The Internet Guy
You get stressed food and then you eat food that makes you more stressed
Nabila Bhimji
Often It can be soothing too, right? unfortunately. So because we’re not going to the parasympathetic mode, which is the opposite of when you’re in fight or flight mode. Like cortizol is going all the time. And that can affect diabetes, too. So
Amr The Internet Guy
okay,you said cortisol All right. Not cortizone Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m just yeah, cuz many people won’t be watching this will be listening to it.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah. That’s the cream cortisone . Oh,
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah. And then there was something else that piqued my attention as well. And you? You said it quite well, when you said I was body conscious. Because I think many people are. We we sometimes think it’s only women. I mean, some men are.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, men are too.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. So men are like that. And I mean, some are just lucky like me. I don’t care. But yeah, just wash your face. Take your shower that said, I don’t need 10 different tubes of products to put on my skin.
Nabila Bhimji
Well, it’s definitely a bias and equivalent to being to racism any other is, isn’t. Because,
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, but why I have a daughter, she’s a teenager. So I get like, sometimes she does things. And I think like, that doesn’t make any sense. But anyway, she’s a 13year old..
It almost like the rite of passage, when you get to a certain age, you start talking about your weight, but you can be a size zero or size two. And that doesn’t mean you’re healthier than a size 14. So it
Amr The Internet Guy
That’s the thing like I, I’ll give you an example from soccer, because that’s what I know,
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
There’s this great player who just died like, a month or so ago, Maradona. And he was one of the greatest soccer players in the world. But when you look at him, even in his prime, right, he looks chubby, like the guy short and chubby, right? But you see him running. Man, he’s like, I don’t know, a gazelle or something. Yeah, but the first moment you look at the player and you think like, Oh, this guy, he’s the greatest player in the world. Really? Are you kidding? Yeah. But then you see him and you think like Oh, my God! So it’s kind of is, to me looked like the weight wasn’t important. The shape of the body wasn’t important if he had the health the stamina, and I don’t know enough muscle!
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, well, I mean, unless you’re morbidly obese or anorexic. So the two extreme Yes, there’s no scientific for sure. This is the way you have to be healthy. You can’t find that anywhere. That says a size two is apart from the media, so you can be a range of weights and still be healthy. So this whole body positive movement also, there’s something about it that that bothers me. I believe in being comfortable in your skin, no matter what, wait, yeah, I just don’t believe in saying I’m body positive, I’m going to have half a dozen donuts, right? It’s not like an excuse to be I’m body positive, I’m going to eat whatever whenever I want. You still have a responsibility to fulfill your soul’s calling in your in your purpose in life and you need to do that with the healthiest body possible. God the universe, whatever you believed in, gave you this as your shell You need to not abuse it. So yeah, there’s nothing wrong with no,
Amr The Internet Guy
Now I’m thinking turtle since you said shell.
Nabila Bhimji
Let’s go get chocolate after this, wink wink. So, yeah, size doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhealthy to a certain point, they are more disadvantages when you’re bigger. So sir,
Amr The Internet Guy
nutrition is not necessarily a diet, right? It’s a lifestyle. It’s a lifestyle, diets don’t work, you can’t sustain it. It’s a light, it’s me teaching you a lifestyle. And I like doing the crowding out method where instead of saying don’t have sugar, don’t have caffeine, don’t eat processed food, people know that I rather tell them what to eat to be optimal, and then their body will naturally not want the junk food gravitate towards without me telling them anything, they’ll just naturally they naturally just don’t eat the bad stuff, because they put so much of the nutrient rich stuff in their body. Right? Once you’re full you’re full, actually really, like to think about it, it’s that the problem that we have these days in general, is lack of time. I think we are ourselves contributing to this. So since a lot of my listeners to this podcast are entrepreneurs and business owners, I think they can relate because you kind of bury yourself in work. And then as a result, you don’t spend enough time thinking about what you’re eating. You just grab whatever you can find good or bad for you, it doesn’t matter. You just like, and maybe some days you’re eating healthy, because that was what’s available at the time. But in general, like I don’t know, I think we go more for high salt, high protein, high energy. I don’t know, like sometimes even we don’t eat real food in favor of eating some bars. You know,
Nabila Bhimji
it just takes a little planning.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. What How can somebody who’s really busy like, What? What should they do? Well, first you have to be aware. But like, Yeah, when the awareness kicks in, what do you do?
Well, you can batch cook, you can go grocery shopping on a Saturday, and then cook everything on it for the week on a Sunday, which is something that I can teach you, I do meal plans for people. So then with a grocery list. So even if you just want to do the meal plan that I’ve given you everything’s laid out there. Even I get super busy. So there’s a lot of good food services. So not skip, not the ones where you have to prep your own meal. Those are great, too. But I mean, I’m vegetarian
Amr The Internet Guy
but they have Yeah, that those actually give you what’s on their menu. Like you don’t control the menu, just select
right so I so being vegetarian I’ve got to meal service is that I use planted and domain meals. So they they give me meals that are already put together. And they give you like a really good menu that you can choose from Yeah, so I get super busy myself until I’m telling all you guys I’d eat healthy in the night. So I mean, worst case scenario, you can find meal people will deliver meals that are already prepped for you single size, family size for not that much money. Like I’m looking at how much I would have spent on groceries plus Time is money
Amr The Internet Guy
The time. Yeah, right.
Nabila Bhimji
And then I look at how much I’m paying for this food. And it’s it’s so cheap.
Amr The Internet Guy
I still don’t have a scientific way to calculate whether those meal plans are better than shopping. I mean, once you add the time into that equation, of course that there be, you know, if you put you should always put a value on your time. Even the leisure time. I’m not saying don’t have leisure time do have time. But like it has to be programmed, right? If it’s a weekend, it’s a weekend, that’s fine. But what I’m saying is like if you’re going to go to the grocery shop, twice a week, spend an hour, that’s two hours of your work time, right? Or time that you could spend with your family or something. So how much does that cost? plus the cost of whatever you bought? plus the cost of cooking it? Yes. Cutting the stuff and whatever. Yes, versus something that comes to you, Washed and cut n, all what you need is just to mix it.
Nabila Bhimji
It’s not that expensive either. So yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
So we’re not going to recommend certain brands, but like, there are I don’t know, 10 or more.
Right? So you could do that or you can batch cook on the weekend. Yeah, instead of making a cup of rice here and there. Just make a whole bunch of rice and then all the things that you would cut What about your vegetables,
Amr The Internet Guy
what about breakfast because it’s an important meal of the day and it’s kind of sets the tone for the rest of your day, how you’ll feel for the rest of the day
so your breakfast should be high protein. Okay, you know, it’s not the standard grab a bagel, a doughnut or a muffin it should be about 30 grams, So you can do a couple
Amr The Internet Guy
so if you’re not vegetarian you’ll eat what eggs?
you can eat eggs if you’re vegetarian. If you’re vegan. You can do a tofu scrambled
Amr The Internet Guy
a tofu scramble ok
a protein shake. I do. I’ve got tons of fruits and veggies and soup
Amr The Internet Guy
is it the same protein. Shake the bodybuilders do like the big tub with the powder?
Nabila Bhimji
I put a ton of like super superfoods and superfood powders and green powders in there and then I either do a hemp protein because that’s considered a complete protein and it’s flavorless or I do a New Zealand whey.
Amr The Internet Guy
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
So this drags us to what? What are superfood like what foods are considered superfood?
so superfood is something that crosses a lot of it has a lot of vitamins and nutrients but helps with a lot of ailments. So if you’re looking at almost any condition and what foods eat broccoli comes up so broccoli is a superfood because it’s good for fiber cholesterol, blood sugar adrenals energy apples are a superfood and apple a day keeps the doctor away really true when we’re in school and we’re learning about all the different conditions and the corresponding foods apples came up all the time as well. So it’s a food that does a lot of multiple things in your body and multiple system health.
Amr The Internet Guy
Amr The Internet Guy
so apples broccoli?ahh
maca powder is good for hormone balance
Amr The Internet Guy
Sorry what powder,
Nabila Bhimji
maca powder? Ma ca
Amr The Internet Guy
maca powder?
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
never heard of it before. So okay, maca powder.
Nabila Bhimji
It’s good for fertility, hormone balance, energy and stress. So it’s an adaptogen
Amr The Internet Guy
and you mix it with what your protein shake, okay? And the protein shake is you said whey like you like the New Zealand whey.
I like the New Zealand way or hemp I don’t like the
Amr The Internet Guy
Hemp? Okay, so there’s a hemp powder that can go in your well is that
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
I am very new to this.
I know. hemp balm has all nine amino acids, so it’s a complete protein. It’s just it’s a little
Amr The Internet Guy
So don’t smoke it drink it!
drink it don’t smoke it
Not as much fun. But, um, the hemp is it’s a complete protein, it’s just low on Li is one of the amino acids, but it’s a little bit lower in but it’s still in there
Amr The Internet Guy
view. Okay, if you’re gonna buy like seriously, hemp powder. Do you have to go to the marijuana stores to buy it or is it at superstore?
Nabila Bhimji
no, you can buy it in a health food store.
Amr The Internet Guy
Okay, so like yeah, any any store that sells healthy food
Yeah, I just the vegan proteins don’t personally work for me because it p protein is really hard for a lot of people to digest. Okay, so that’s why I rather go to hemp or the whey.
Amr The Internet Guy
that’s good.
The New Zealand whey is good because they’re grass fed non GMO, so they’re really clean.
Amr The Internet Guy
So we’re like, I don’t know, where does it extract it from? Is it sheep? No. Yes.
It depends on
Amr The Internet Guy
where does whey come from?
dairy, but it could be from sheep or something. You just have to look at the bottle. Okay, I
Amr The Internet Guy
don’t know when you say New Zealand now I’m imagining like a big herd of sheep somewhere. Sorry, Kiwis. I know. Like, you’re the ones who told me that you have more sheep than people in New Zealand. So there’s different types just repeating what I heard.
There’s different types. You can even get grasshopper protein. You just have to read the bottle.
Amr The Internet Guy
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
Okay. So I mean, you’re now reminding me of some of the experiences I had in my travel days. You know, I couldn’t I like I in Asia, of course, in some parts, like you get healthy meals out of things that look like bugs. And they’re very popular. And in Zambia, there was an open buffet. And there was crocodile meat and I couldn’t I couldn’t try it like Okay. you see the crocodile hung?
Nabila Bhimji
Oh, no.
Amr The Internet Guy
And but when I passed so what do you do? Normally, you just tell the chef, they cut piece of the meat and grill it for you Right? But what I just got there, the smell of the raw meat, it was so bad. Like it’s fresh and everything is but it’s crocodile right? So it doesn’t smell like the regular lamb or beef or whatever we’re used to. And I was there but I couldn’t I and then of course there was snake meat as well. And I I couldn’t either. Yeah, so I didn’t I didn’t experience like a lot with food. But nowadays I like the different like I like okay, the regular ingredients so I’m not gonna I don’t know like gamble with ingredients. So it’s either gonna be fish, beef, lamb chicken, that’s it like right? But different cuisines like because you have the same ingredients and you can cook them in different sauces or different ways or whatever and Middle Easterners we just add garlic and Onion to anything and that’s it that’s lots of garlic, lots of olive oil, and you should be fine. And yeah, falafel is Egyptian by the way.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
So I how would you? You know As I was saying, like people sometimes need help, but they don’t know they need help. So we talked about if you’re feeling, have feelings of fatigue for no reason, like, you know, if you’re tired because you’ve done something that made you tired. Yeah, that’s fine.
Nabila Bhimji
unexplained fatigue.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, if you’ve been, if you’ve been sitting the whole day, and you slept well, yes. But you’re feeling tired or having some pain, that’s, you know, you don’t have no idea where it’s coming from.
Right. And if you’re having digestion issues, hormone imbalances, you know, you’re feeling gassy and bloated all the time, no matter what you eat. that’s related to adrenal fatigue to so there’s that I also do. So there is the fatigue and the mental wellness side of it, which is your anxiety and depression and stress. So of course, if you’re
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, if you’re depressed food is not going to change that but you need to get to the root cause. By validate that, yeah,
Nabila Bhimji
which could be biochemical, it could be just a nutrient macronutrient deficiency, essential fatty acid, protein, amino acid deficiencies, anywhere from that, which is the easiest thing to look at the deeper stuff like, block trauma, because your mind is trying, it’s trying to protect you from something that’s happened in your past. And so if the nutrition doesn’t work, then we can dig in further
Amr The Internet Guy
and figure out whether you actually need to go and see a shrink for me, are you going to shrink them too?
no, no, we’re gonna expand the brain. And then I’m also trained from the Institute of the psychology of eating. So I’m already, I’m also a food relationship coach, and a mind body eating coach. So I also work with people who have food addictions, disordered eating poor body image, binge eating or chronic dieters. So that’s also the other side of my business, too.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, perfect. Okay, this is good, because I think they’re pretty much related, right? Like I think everyone has disordered eating. It might not be a full blown anorexia or bulimia, but it’s such a gray scale. And I think everyone’s got some kind of, especially as women for whatever reason, men too. But especially women, just culturally, we’re I like chocolate! The sugary one Not the dark one.
Nabila Bhimji
There is a place for chocolate too.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. As long as you don’t overdo it, you should be fine. Yes. This looks sometimes like it’s hard, or I don’t know, like, It scares me a little bit.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
so I want to make it easy for our listeners to actually, like, give them an idea of what I don’t want to call it a treatment, but like, what a solution looks like, because you mentioned something about meal plans. So generally, I know that every case, of course, is going to be completely different. But generally speaking the outcome like when somebody comes to see you, what do they leave with? What do they get, like, you know, as their
Well first of all, you have to understand that Nutrition is a long game, it’s not going to be cured after one session.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, unlike diet 🙂
Even that doesn’t work.
Amr The Internet Guy
I’m dragging you there. Okay, you’re not gonna say anything back.
Nabila Bhimji
The initial consultation, we look at micronutrient and macronutrient deficiencies. We look at how your body systems are working together. lifestyle,
Amr The Internet Guy
do they have to go do like a test a blood test of some kind, or
Nabila Bhimji
if they if it’s, I think they need to they but they have to go to their physician. Yeah, of course, I
know how to I know, what
Amr The Internet Guy
do you want? Exactly? Do you want it? the report I need it for it so that I can look I
usually ask for that one was our last report, and I can analyze it for them. We also look at things like lifestyle, mindset, mind body spirit connection. So we look at all the pieces. And then we put a holistic plan to them together with them. And I do it slowly, I don’t give them everything all at once, because that’s going to overwhelm them. I do put a food, a suggestion of foods they should eat accompanied by some recipes or a food plan. So they can either do it on their own and just pick it off my list, or they can I like doing a recipe book more than a meal plan. That way, they have a little more control. So they can either do the recipes I suggested or they can just add the foods I suggested to their everyday meals.
Amr The Internet Guy
That’s good. So and you don’t scare them. So they don’t get like boom, I don’t give
them 100 recommendations right out the gate. That’s why you have to come more than once because it’s a it’s a stepping.
Amr The Internet Guy
There’s a little bit of change management in there.
Nabila Bhimji
What do you mean?
Amr The Internet Guy
Like, you know, in general, we, as human beings, beings are resistant to change. So, if somebody’s trying to make you change, like 180 degrees, yeah, you’d always work against it, even though you know, like you went, you paid for it. Like you know, like you’ve done the talk but when it comes to you doing the actual work There’s some resistance.
That’s why I think the nutrition is a lot. It’s a lot of life coaching too, yeah, than anything. I mean, when you come to a session, I feel like I’m coaching you, or I don’t want to say giving you therapy, because I’m not a therapist, but you like we’re talking about your issues, for most of the appointments, and then the food part is just a small part of it. You know, when you got to keep them accountable, and that’s what going to a nutritionist will keep you accountable. We can tweak things along the way. So if the food initial food plan didn’t work for you, or you want to change up the recommendations, we can do that week to week.
Amr The Internet Guy
Nice. What about, like, I’ve seen some bits and pieces talking about? Was it I think your sports optimization, or the other one was like an energy kind of energy booster. I mean, we’ve talked about people who may have a problem. And then they come see you to figure out what this problem where it’s coming from, and how they can get over it by doing some small changes here and there, and specifically, in the nutrition as well as their lifestyle and balanced, right. But what if somebody doesn’t have a problem as per se, they want to have more energy, or they want to, you know, they’re competing, they’re sports people that they want to get, like, kind of the maximal output? If that makes what
Nabila Bhimji
I mean, there’s no, everyone’s different. So there’s no cookie cutter answer I can give you to that. But in general, to increase your energy, you want to look at eating foods with vitamin C, your B vitamins, your zinc is very important. Vitamin D. Magnesium is responsible for 300 plus processes in your body. You want to make sure you’re getting all your essential fatty acids, all your not complete proteins. I mean, that’s the basic but to give you I can’t give you a cookie cutter. Yeah,
Amr The Internet Guy
no. But again, like nutrition can help with that, too, is the only problem is actually yeah. Even like even if you don’t have any problems whatsoever, you can come in here and get better at something you
Nabila Bhimji
can come in for a tweak. I mean, you go to a doctor every year hopefully for a checkup. Why Why not go see a nutritionist every year for a checkup?
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. Because there’s stuff that is the oil to your car, why don’t change your own oil? like yeah,
Nabila Bhimji
you’re there stuff your doctor can’t look at, but we can. So even if you just want to do maintenance, and see me once twice a year, just to make sure everything’s on track.
Amr The Internet Guy
That sounds good. How do people find you in general? Like, what do you find that they come from referrals?
yeah referrals, My websites, my company is mindful nourishment. So a lot of it on my website. My so my search engine optimization, I guess is really good. Because a lot of people find me that way.
Amr The Internet Guy
They Just find you online. GOOD
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah. And and referrals is huge.
Amr The Internet Guy
From like, word of mouth.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, previous clients that are happy with my work. And if you look at my website, there’s a ton of testimonials on there. So there’s definitely people that are happy.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, that’s good. And I know you’re redoing your website. I just don’t know who’s doing it.
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, I wonder who??
Amr The Internet Guy
No, but it’s interesting, because like, I’ll speak a little bit about websites in general, because that’s what I speak about all the time. But in general, what I liked is that you had so much content already there. Like, the biggest problem for any web designer anywhere in the world is content, right? Because many people want to build a website, but they didn’t write anything yet.
Nabila Bhimji
Oh my God, And that’s me holding me back because I can say so much more
Amr The Internet Guy
No you’ve got a lot of stuff. I mean, I do understand that some of it might have been written some time ago, and you want to, you know, edit it now and make it better or refocus on some of the stuff we discussed today. But in general, there was lots of stuff. There’s so many blog posts there. There’s lots of stuff on on the different pages. You had, I think was it a recipe, there was a downloadable PDF downloadable?
Yeah, that’s the if you sign up for my newsletter, you get a free
Amr The Internet Guy
was i’t a meal plan or a recipe?
It’s free recipe book on energy, but that’s gonna depend on when my web designer gets that,
Amr The Internet Guy
oh no no your web designer is too slow.
So if you want to find me it’s mindful nourishment and eventually and eventually that link to get that free recipe book will be up there so keep looking. It’s a got various recipes to help you boost your energy and superfoods and energy boosting food and then you will get a monthly newsletter from me with tips and stuff that I don’t share with anyone except for on the newsletter
Amr The Internet Guy
on the newsletter so it’s not Yeah, these guys are
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
these things if you’re interested, these things are not going to be published on the site itself. Yeah, it’s gonna be up to you guys. Yeah, and like any newsletter, like if you want to subscribe, feel free to but if you find it useful, you can continue,
Nabila Bhimji
You can use me for the recepies ..
Amr The Internet Guy
you can download the thing and unsubscribe rightaway I’m not saying to do that. But like, in general,
Nabila Bhimji
I’m sure there’s some people who just subscribe for things when..
Amr The Internet Guy
you have the liberty to unsubscribe if you want it to. So it’s not, you’re not, there’s no gun held at your head.
And I’m not gonna be this annoying people who spam you every day or every week.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, I love the one which is, you know, when you’re doing your MailChimp setup. There’s somewhere there in the settings that says, send one last mail to people who unsubscribe and I find this a bit stupid. Like, I don’t want to hear from you. And then an email, and I unsubscribe and like this is to let you know you’ve unsubscribed. Oh, really?
Nabila Bhimji
Are you sure you want to go?
Amr The Internet Guy
You sure? Are you sure? Like Yeah, exactly. You want to cut off your hand before you click on that button? We have a lot of fun. So one question about websites in general. And I’m not asking this. Because I want to tell people who’s doing it. They probably figured it out by now. But when did you realize you wanted to make a change? Like what was the point? Between?
Nabila Bhimji
Yeah, well,
Amr The Internet Guy
the old website, which is the one that’s active right now. And probably the new one is going to be up and running in a week or so
Nabila Bhimji
YEA I’ve been in business. I’ve been in business for seven years. And I’ve grown up a lot since then.
Amr The Internet Guy
Was that done seven years ago?
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, wow. you didn’t even tell me that
Nabila Bhimji
you didn’t ask me
You know, I wanted a more sophisticated logo. My mindset has changed. I’ve been super educated over the seven years even more, taking more courses, seeing different things in the world time, you know, I’m a grown up now. And so I want to and I’m changing my offerings, because I’ve changed my training and stuff and what I’m passionate about. So it just it was time for a rebrand.
Amr The Internet Guy
So it did look like it’s not representing you anymore. Yeah. I mean, it’s a great website. But it wasn’t that you back then. Yeah, it were back then. It was an awesome website. Plus, you know, I want to do the opt in and a couple of others. Yeah. Now. So seven years ago. I mean, like that, that’s a lot of time. I mean, I usually see people after two years, because normally people change their websites. in every couple of years or so
Nabila Bhimji
all the cells in your body rejuvenate itself every seven years. So it’s like I’m a brand new person right?
Amr The Internet Guy
So the cells of the bits and bytes of the website are rejuvenating now.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
All right. I mean, this has been like an eye opener for me. I’m still gonna hide my bad food from you. Because you tell me off. Every time you see like, fried potatoes or whatever.
Actually, he volunteers to me, what he is eating I have said, he’ll come here and I will have said nothing and he’ll start defending his food choices. And I’m like, I don’t care
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, cuz First, I’ll show Nabila the salad. And then it’s good. It’s nice and healthy. And then I’ll put the dressing on a salad. And now it’s got like lots of sugary stuff!
I haven’t even said anything to him. And he he admits things to me or justifies.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. It’s the way things go here.
Nabila Bhimji
I think people should just hire me to follow them all day and knock food out of their hands
Amr The Internet Guy
haha have a stick or a golf club.
Nabila Bhimji
Except what’s gonna happen when I leave them at night? They might just eat it all.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, sit like in “Friends” with a big tub of ice cream. And like, I don’t know. Those Baskin Robbins big tubs or dairy queen or Yeah, I don’t want anyone to be left out. Like Okay, we’re not gonna speak about ice cream companies.
Nabila Bhimji
Are you craving ice cream?
Amr The Internet Guy
Not really. No, I’m, I’m okay. I’m probably gonna have another coffee.
Nabila Bhimji
At this time.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. And yeah, I mean, I was meant to ask you anput something but I’ll ask you off podcast, because I don’t want to bore people with all these details.
Nabila Bhimji
Coffee stresses your body and your adrenals right? So if you have this close to bedtime, it’s okay. It’s okay. But you stay up late. So
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, exactly. I’m not. I am not planning to sleep anytime soon.
Nabila Bhimji
Because you have to work on someone’s website.
Amr The Internet Guy
Exactly on someone’s website. Oh, man!! my weekend is gone. Oh, thank you very much for coming today Nabila. And I think Yeah, with with, you’ve opened my eyes to a lot of the things, especially the energy part and I’m going to be bugging you to learn a little bit more, get a free consultation, which is something she offers on the website too
Nabila Bhimji
to some people
Amr The Internet Guy
all right,
yeah. So contact me mindful nourishment. Once the opt in is in you can choose that and yes, I will do a complimentary discovery call with anyone who thinks they need to tweak their nutrition have low energy, anxiety, depression, disordered eating any of those things just we’ll have a chat. It’s free. Hire me don’t hire me at least
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, use it. Use the use at least. Yeah, talk about it like figure out if this is something
if I can leave you with just even one technique and tip that you can take away whether you work with me or not. After the consultation, I’m happy so
Amr The Internet Guy
and you can speak with Nabila and go Have a cake after!!
Nabila Bhimji
He said!
Amr The Internet Guy
He said.. Thank you very much.
Nabila Bhimji
Amr The Internet Guy
Have a good day.
Nabila Bhimji
You too
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