EP1: Online 🌎 With Amr The Internet Guy
My Journey and how I’ve been helping business owners succeed on the web!

The Internet Guy???
Introducing my new Podcast: “Online!”
The show focuses on entrepreneurs and business owners to help them become more successful in conducting their business on the web without being stuck with Technology, getting a headache, pulling their hairs out, or buying expensive software!
EP 1: 🌎 The Internet Guy?
This episode discusses my Journey in Internet Tech. and how I’ve been helping business owners do business on the web since 2002! I am interviewed by Mike Arboit from TheFountainHeadNetwork, He is asking what led me to Internet Technology and where the nickname “The Internet Guy” came from.
This Podcast is available at your favourite network
EP 1: Video
Episode 1 Transcription:
of pocommunity
I’m Mike Arboit and I’m sitting here
with Amr the internet guy
hey guys how’s it going how’s it going
man well good thank you mike
yeah so tell us a little bit about
yourself your story and everything
oh like okay you have all day yeah
so the first thing is if you realize my
name is only three letters it’s just amr
which is very hard to pronounce usually
so i ended up having nicknames
so my first nickname was amor and then
this like gave me some kind of a
reputation because it’s like love in
in Latin languages and i didn’t want to
be known as the love guy
why not I’m married already taken
sorry guys
but um when i started to work
one of the things that caught up my
attention so
if we go back to like to my first
windows computer
so like any like any kid in the old days
you’d learn a little bit of programming
you your parents would buy you like
computer was available at the moment and
at these times
nothing compared to what we have these
days it was like an Amstrad or a
Sinclair or whatever like something
black small with a very small screen
that that’s
like kind of gray and black you know
and the text wasn’t even good contrast
like it was
i think yellow or something on the
and if you switch it off it doesn’t see
if there was no hard disk
but you you kind of like play around
with it try to create the game try to
program bits and pieces and like learn a
little bit
and then i went to university i took
some programming courses of languages
that are no longer in use like Cobol and
and i left it after this i just went
worked you know i worked in sales and
then i joined one of the airlines and i
was actually a cabin crew
like an air host and
during my time in the airline I
started I wanted to learn more
not only about technology but like i was
always thinking so when i joined the
airline i was
1994 i was what 23 yeah i was 23.
so the first two years of course I’m
traveling I’m seeing the world I’m
having a lot of fun
but after two three years you start
thinking okay what’s next
am i gonna stay in this job for the rest
of my life and retire
which is not a bad thing like it’s a
good job you get good money
you meet nice people you see the world
but the hardest thing is you can’t have
like a regular stable relationship
and you know let alone have kids and
build a family
um i don’t know my colleagues are still
doing it like
you know kudos to everybody and to all
of you guys like i couldn’t do what
you’re doing
yeah so i started to learn different
bits and pieces and um
the first thing is i became a trainer so
within the airline itself i took a few
courses and i became one of the trainer
i didn’t do an awful lot of courses you
know for some reasons and flying
schedules and stuff
I’ve done a few but i was always
thinking about what’s next
so 1996 i think i got my windows 95
computer with
one of these modems and it was my first
experience with the internet
and i didn’t know anything like i didn’t
know how to shut off
the computer i just go and unplug it
but the most fascinating part for me was
things like email like i couldn’t
believe that you can
type a message and it arrives after a
few seconds and like
I’m like what and there’s no paper no
I’m guys I’m
I’m a fax guy and a rotary phone guy
like that’s the
yeah so i took it up on myself to just
how does this i wanted to know how this
works so i looked around
for courses for anything and you gotta
1996 the internet was slow we didn’t
have the dot-com boom
or bubble yet and there were no courses
the only it courses that were like
fashionable back then was the microsoft
engineer certification and
i kept on on and off like looking at it
and it was hard because if you wanted to
there was nothing online like these days
and I’m flying so i don’t
i have no control over my schedule so i
can’t go to a university
or a specific institute and have like
you know like five days a week forty
whatever 40 hours per week and then
do it on four weeks and get my
was very hard so i started to play
you know break my computer and go give
it to the
you know where i bought it from for the
guys to fix it
and then i would just stick around and
try to learn
what they’re doing and then the next
time i break it i try it myself if it
good if it doesn’t did the same thing
with the internet started to read on the
internet like
you know at the time how things work and
you know there was a
i remember i think it was
uh i can’t remember which side it was
but it was one of the most basic sides
that’s like Wikipedia now like at the
time there was no Wikipedia
and i think it was uh
I don’t know maybe ISOC which is the
internet society like the main one of
the main bodies
of you know I wouldn’t call them the
regulators of the internet but one of
the main bodies that’s
in charge of making the internet better
and i went there and then it all came to
action in
i think 2000 i found a good course so
finally i found like a great course that
teaches you how to be a webmaster
and the course itself had different
modules uh one of them which was the
hardest one was networking
so for you to understand how computers
uh with each other and for everyone to
understand that the internet as we call
the internet is just a massive network
and so many machines are communicating
with each other so
i needed to learn that infrastructure to
how my email can reach somewhere without
a paper in a few seconds
and then the next module was
uh the languages that are used
on the internet and of course like the
most famous one is html language
which web designers used to write in
order to create a website
and the idea was really basic at the
time and
you know is you want that page to look
exactly the same
no matter where it’s open on which
computer on which browser and which
like at the time of course we didn’t
have mobile devices and smartphones and
but before the internet
if you’ve written a document in anything
let’s say microsoft word
and you send it to somebody if they
don’t have the same version that you’re
using they wouldn’t see it
exactly as you intended and that was the
whole idea
of html as a language it was like you
wanted to look exactly the same
everywhere and that’s why nowadays
you know if you’re in japan you’ll see
exactly the same thing that you’ll see
if you’re Australia or here in Canada or
whatever and i learned that like bit by
to like you know to the point that like
everything there was to know about
html everything there was to know about
some of the other coding
languages that that existed at the time
like JavaScript and
some others and then the last module was
most fun was about e-commerce and
you gotta realize this was what uh
19 no sorry that there was 2001 2000
just when the dot-com bubble burst
and everybody wanted to be Jeff Bezos
and Amazon
but nobody understood how it works and
actually our study case was Amazon
at the time little did we know that it’s
gonna be
you know the biggest retailer on earth
and Jeff Bezos would be the richest man
take over bill gates and the queen yeah
but yeah that was like people were
making fun of him at the time because he
wasn’t making profit
yeah you know 2000 2001 2002 that people
thought Jeff buses was crazy because
he’s not making any profit
but what he was saying he said I’m
making money I’m just not
taking it as profit I’m reinvesting it
into Amazon
and that was like pretty much like
by the time i finished when i got my
uh I was hired by one of the
institutes of technology as
as an e-commerce consultant i used to
train like CEOs
of companies at the time like companies
didn’t have anything online they
they didn’t have a website let alone an
e-commerce you know storefront
so that come to an institute of
technology or a university
to try and find who’s working on that
and then hire you by the hour
from the institute to just work with
them as a consultant and get things
up and running
and this was the start like you know
they couldn’t pronounce my name so they
called me the internet guy like
we’re meeting with the internet guy like
okay fine my name is Amr by the way
hey, it worked out it’s a good trade it’s
like a good title to have though like
it sticks out, right?
More Resources
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BC government has a new grant of up to $7,500 to help the owners of small and medium #business launch their #online stores and engage in #digitalmarketing.
It covers up to 75% of the expense of hiring a #webdeveloper to build and launch your #ecommerce store, the purchase of stock images, and much more,
Check if your business qualifies here.
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