Online 🌎 With Amr The Internet Guy!
Episode 15: Pivoting and succeeding online
Without a Website!!!

Online! Episode 15:
Meet Jill Whalen from New Jersey, the owner of Longevity Fitness & Wellness, and a certified personal trainer/fitness coach specializing in women’s fitness as well as seniors’ wellness and fitness.
My conversation with Jill was an eye-opener, I learned more about the “wellness and fitness” goals once you hit the 40 years mark, and how they differ if you were younger.
We discussed how to pivot and make it online as a fitness/personal trainer & coach, what works, and what does not!
What makes this conversation even more interesting is that Jill is my first podcast guest who does NOT have a website, yet she was very successful in moving her training online.
This is an episode that you will certainly enjoy! Guaranteed 🙂
Get in Touch with Jill:
Facebook: @LongevityFitnessWellness
Instagram: @longevity_fitness_wellness
This Podcast is available at your favorite Podcast/Streaming network including Spotify, Google Podcasts and iTunes.
Online! Episode 15 Video:
Episode 15 Transcription:
Hi everybody and welcome to another episode of online. Today I have a special guest with me all the way from New Jersey. She’s a certified personal trainer and fitness coach specializing in women fitness as well as seniors wellness and fitness. It was an eye opener for me to learn more about the wellness and fitness goals once you hit the 40 years mark, and how are they different from those goals when you’re younger than that? We discuss lots of interesting stuff about you know, those of us who are over 40. And we’re also discussing how to pivot when you’re a trainer and a coach. You know, like many of the trainers, personal trainers and coaches of all kinds were doing face to face until COVID hit and they had to close and everybody had to rush and pivot online. So Today my guest is going to be telling us her story, how she pivoted, what worked, what didn’t. And this is important for any of you guys who are thinking about pivoting online and growing your coaching training business online. So without further ado, let’s meet Jill. Hey guys. Welcome to another episode of the podcast online. I have Jill Whalen here with me from New Jersey. Hey, Jill.
Jill Whalen
Hey, Amr How are you? Oh, good. Thank you. So tell us about the snow first because today is the day.So yeah, well, we don’t have we didn’t get that much more today. But yesterday it came down. We had about 16 or 18 inches. So yeah, it was a snowy day was a lot of snow. But, you know, I was actually able to work because of zoom. So normally, it would have been a day off or a snow day. Yeah, not not working. But
Amr The Internet Guy
let’s hope there’s no wind so we don’t lose electricity.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Well, we, you know, I said to a client today we have everything is pretty much underground here now. So hopefully there shouldn’t be any problems with the
Amr The Internet Guy
way fiber optics are usually buried or they put them in their own pipes. Yep, yeah, it’s glass. So it’s gonna take like a lot of power to knock it out. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
Well, let’s hope Let’s hope it doesn’t happen. Right. So Jill, what do you do? So I am a certified personal trainer and fitness coach. And I have multiple certifications in the fitness industry, primarily working with seniors and women, I have my certification as a senior fitness specialist and a women’s fitness specialist. And I’ve been doing this about almost 20 years, I’ve been teaching classes and working with clients. And now I solely do the personal training.
Amr The Internet Guy
So we like I didn’t know that you can specialize in a specific age group or a specific gender. So what are the like, what are the differences? Like, I’m assuming when I say seniors, I can get the idea because they’re more fragile. You can’t give them like something cold or you know.
Jill Whalen
So interestingly enough, when you do a senior fitness Specialist certification, the classification for seniors is anyone age 50. And up, which I don’t know about you, but that’s a really big age range. So
Amr The Internet Guy
I really refer to myself as a senior but getting there.
Jill Whalen
Right, exactly. So it’s, it’s a really big age range. And it can, it can vary. So in that specialty, they they do talk a little bit more about the the health conditions that would affect you as you age, you know, blood pressure and cardiovascular disease and lung issues and arthritis. And you know, that, that kind of stuff. But if you’re dealing with a 50 year old or a 55 year olds receiving even a 60 or 65 year old, sometimes they don’t have any of those issues that prevent them from doing anything. But sometimes they do, right, so I’ve worked with I have several clients who do have blood pressure issues or, you know, diabetes issues. I’ve had clients that have had hip surgery and knee surgery, and arthritis as well as some things like Parkinson’s and you know, they’re or they’re recovering from cancer. So, when you talk about a senior specialist, you’re talking more in depth about that. Interestingly enough, you can actually get a cancer exercise Specialist certification as well or a Parkinson’s or Ms. So there’s lots of There’s lots of specialties in the fitness industry, which is great, you know, because there’s a lot of people that need money people don’t know about. Right? Yeah. A lot of people don’t know about
Amr The Internet Guy
this just see the title personal trainer. Okay. Yeah, you know, they don’t know.
Jill Whalen
Right? You’re You’re right. And if somebody is recovering from cancer, they, they’re now encouraged, right? I mean, years ago, they were encouraged to just take it easy and not do anything. But now, the research has shown that physical activity is one of the best things that you can do so, but there’s obviously, you know, obviously different types of cancer and different surgeries and different treatments. And so you want to be mindful of what somebody that’s, you know, recovering from breast cancer surgery versus, you know, colon cancer. So there’s, there’s lots of in depth certifications that you can get,
Amr The Internet Guy
and then when you say specialized in women exercise,
Jill Whalen
yeah, so well, you know, I
Amr The Internet Guy
don’t do the ladies one differently.
Jill Whalen
Well, I don’t know if you know this, but women are different than men.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, my God. Whoa, crazy.
Jill Whalen
And and, well, what’s,
Amr The Internet Guy
what’s the goals like what’s like?
Jill Whalen
So this is like, this is my, my passion. Because I’m in the fitness industry. Again, I’ve been doing this almost 20 years. It’s always been like, you need to do you exercise more, eat less workout really hard. And, and an hour a day, every day and that kind of stuff? Well, when you’re a woman in her late 30s, early 40s, and on up, that does not work. And a lot of the research is now coming out that it shows it doesn’t work. Most of the research in fitness is done on men, men. Yeah. And not just not just men, but young men, right? You think about work studies are done. They’re usually done on college athletes. Yeah. Great athletes,
Amr The Internet Guy
regular people, they just write the highest performers.
Jill Whalen
Exactly. Not not just the highest performers, but these like amazing specimens of humans, right. And but they’re usually men. And the reason is, men’s hormones don’t vary like women’s doom. And recently, I was reading a book, and it had a foreword, and introduction by a doctor who does cardiovascular research, and he wanted to do a study on menopausal women. And the study was rejected, because there was no men included as control. And, and he said, but it’s a stunning
Amr The Internet Guy
metaphor. So like, what, right?
Jill Whalen
And that was his thing was that, well, there’s no men in this study, because it’s a study on women. Yeah. And the response was, well, women are too variable, because of their hormones. So you should include men.
Amr The Internet Guy
How do like postnatal, you know, something post, right? Like, oh, why don’t have okay,
Jill Whalen
right. Exactly. And so, to me, when I read that, it was just sort of like this. Mind blown, like, Oh, my God, if this is, if this is what it is, in the industry, that is, you know, trying to get everyone to be healthy. And they’re saying don’t include women because they’re too or too variable. Well, no wonder women, my age, are confused as to why when they exercise for an hour a day, and they eat less calories, why they’re not losing weight, or why they’re, you know, why they have belly fat or that wings or whatever it is those things that happen as women age. So women’s fitness specialist goes more in depth about the hormonal changes that women experience and how they impact you. And it’s not just what I loved about the certification that I got, was through nasm, the National Academy of sports medicine, and it, it covered from puberty, right through menopause, because, right, we’re hormonal, right from, right from an early age, and it does impact things. And it impacts how we are physically and you know, what we want to do and the capabilities we have. So that is, that’s what a women’s fitness specialist does focuses on, on women in fitness.
Amr The Internet Guy
It’s becoming more like a holistic thing. You know, like, last week, I’d interview the holistic nutritionist. And we were talking about how food affects your moods and your motivation. Oh, now he said like hormone so you’ve got there are a lot of factors that can demotivate somebody, not just women but you know As to whether to exercise or not like, I don’t know, if you have, all of us are busy and getting busier. And I think we are keeping ourselves busier with being connected all the time. And that’s another thing like, if, you know, some people have an addiction to the to the screen
Jill Whalen
phone are very real.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, they don’t know they do, but like they might have an addiction and, and it makes the quality of life worse, not better, even though I’m a techie and like, Yeah, sometimes I don’t even follow this advice. But right, you have to disconnect. And then now that you’ve disconnected, you’re not watching Netflix, and you’re not on social media. Why would you exercise? So that’s like, you got to have the motivation, you know what I mean? It’s like, and we I, for example, as a person, sometimes I make excuses. Oh, I haven’t had breakfast yet. Let me eat and then like, have breakfast and then exercise by the time you have breakfast. It’s time to work. So you’re not gonna I’ll do it at night. And then oh, no, it’s raining outside. I’m not gonna go for it.
Jill Whalen
Which is not really a good excuse for someone in Vancouver, right? Yeah, exactly. With no snow. Yeah, just use that all the time. I, I love that. You said holistic, I’m actually doing my holistic nutrition certification right now and holistic health coaching. And it is it’s
Amr The Internet Guy
like you guys are becoming doctors at the end. You got the chemistry of the body? Yeah,
Jill Whalen
yeah. And there’s, there’s a term in I don’t know, if the holistic nutritionist you spoke to mentioned it, but it’s called bio individuality. And it basically means that what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for your wife doesn’t work for your son, or your daughter, or me or my husband or you know, and, and that it is very individualized based on your preferences, your you know, your genetic makeup, your biochemistry. So it is not just fitness, right? It’s not just, it’s not just picking up a weight and putting it down. Yeah,
Amr The Internet Guy
there’s no longer a one size fits all. It’s like, it’s it’s so diverse in even in the same families, like go take a test, you and your daughter, or me and my son or my daughter, whatever. And you see so many differences genetically, and what affects me would not probably affect them and so on. Right? Unless you have like, one strong, you know? Yeah,
Jill Whalen
it’s, it’s very true. There’s, I don’t like using the word diet, because everyone thinks it’s like, calories. But when I say diet, I mean you what you system, you’re right, the what you eat in the course of a day, however you however you want to call. And it was it was called the plan. And I was turned on to it by my sister and brother in law a couple of years ago. And I thought it was just really, it’s basically an anti inflammatory diet, and you eliminate the inflammatory foods, and then you add stuff back in to test it out and see what works for you and what doesn’t. And I thought it was just incredible, because, again, my sister had done it. And she could eat certain things, but not others. I could eat certain things that she couldn’t, and it didn’t impact me the way it impacted her. So it is very much individualized. And that I think is it’s exciting, right? Because there’s not you said it, there’s not one size fits all it is it is very much about figuring out work, what works for you,
Amr The Internet Guy
do you think we are failing at creating the habits because if if you take eating healthy and exercising, as a change as the change that you want to make in your life, right? If you don’t manage that change, like I sometimes I look at things like like looking at a job, or you know, I used to be I used to work in software companies, and a big part of implementing any new software is to manage the change that will result from how people are doing their jobs now. And then after implement that software. They’ll change the way they work. So you got to manage this change to get the positive outcome. And if I take this rule and apply it to wanting to be healthy, because not just about looking, it’s like it’s about feeling good. It’s about living good. You know, so if you go on and poison your body, I mean, we’re all guilty of different things like I love sugary stuff. I love chocolate like
Jill Whalen
well, why wouldn’t you
Amr The Internet Guy
chocolate Have you sugars? A sugary chocolate? Yeah. But I know it’s bad. So I’m not gonna consume like a very large amount, but, but it’s kind of like I feel for for anybody. If you don’t do it as if you don’t create it as a habit. And if you don’t do it in a way that easy for you as an individual, with your schedule with what you do with your family, with everything else that’s on your plate, if you don’t do it, or plan it in a way that’s easy for you to follow. you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, I think I think it goes back to then not having a one size fits all. Because if, if I were to say here, this is what works for me. And it doesn’t fit in your life. It’s not sustainable. So it, it has to be flexible and fit into your lifestyle and your preferences. And you know, how how you live with your family, otherwise, it won’t work it I get the question a lot. What’s the best cardio to do? Yes, cardio to do is the cardio that you like, because if I tell you to go run five miles a day and you hate running or you know bothers your knees, and you’re not going to do it? So is the best cardio for you running? No, the best cardio for you is What do you like swimming, then that’s the best cardio because you’ll go do it because it’s something you enjoy. So, you know, we, as humans, we look for the easiest, right? The path of least lazy by default. Yes, we are. And it’s I mean, it’s it goes back to
Amr The Internet Guy
lazy for the 24 hours. But when it comes to taking a decision, we always want to look for the easiest one.
Jill Whalen
Right? The path of least resistance is the way anyone’s gonna go no matter what. So it has to fit your life. If you know if I say meal prep on Sunday, and Sunday is the day you spend at church for six hours. Yeah, that’s not gonna really work. Yeah, right. Or could you? Could you meal prep? You know, could you do something on Monday? Can you do something on Tuesday? And that way, you’re set up for the next five days. Does that work better for you then do that? So but yes, it is much more holistic than just it? I wouldn’t say we’re like doctors, but
Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, nobody. more sense now. Because I think the older approach, certainly that was maybe the 80s. And the 90s was like kind of one size fits all you do 50 pushups, you do your arm for five miles and you eat apples should be good. And it’s like, yeah, this is actually worked for some people. So it’s we’re not saying it doesn’t work. But it’s just like, now it’s more about, like everything else like Netflix, Facebook, Google, they know more about us now like they, if they can hit you with an ad that hits the sweet spot right away, because they know more about you, then this information that you have maybe voluntarily or involuntarily public should also be used to customize your exercise your food, you know, things that will work well with your body and your chemistry like a you know that information, you just have to share it with an expert who can actually make it work for you.
Jill Whalen
Right? Well, and what I really like about coaching, don’t ask, problem, we’re gonna come back with a million different things. But yeah, the thing that I love about the health coaching is that there is this aspect of I might be the expert in this field, but you’re the expert on you, you and you’re the expert on your lifestyle and your family and what is going to work for you. And so there’s it’s a real collaboration versus going to a doctor and saying, This is my symptom. And they’re like, here’s your prescription, this is what you get to do. And that’s, that’s the answer. So I really like the idea that it’s, you know, I’m working with the client to get them to, you know, click cliques themselves.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. Since we’re in health in general.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Yeah. Anything else?
Amr The Internet Guy
There is COVID. That’s anti health. I, the first time so for people who don’t know like we’ve met on a networking call, it was a zoom was called a happy neighborhood. And yeah, guys, happy neighborhood is free. So anyone can join. I think the West Coast calls are on Wednesday, and the all the world corals are on Fridays. And so just go for happy, never happy neighborhood project. You can Google it. And I heard that, you know, you had to switch to digital, or instead of doing face to face and came as like, boom, your clothes.
Jill Whalen
Pretty much. Yeah, yeah, pretty much
to hear Yeah, what happened? What happened?
Jill Whalen
Um, back in March, I worked for a local community center, or how specific I should be. I worked for a local community center. And my boss called me on like Friday and said, We’re closed for the weekend because of this COVID shutdown. This the state is telling us we have to close for, you know, the next two days, and I was like, whatever I don’t I was just the weekend
Amr The Internet Guy
on Saturday, or a weekend deal,
Jill Whalen
whatever. And then she called me back on Sunday and said, We’re close for the next two weeks. And I was like, Oh, my God, I’ve got like two weeks. I’m like, I don’t ever take vacation.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
So the first week, I actually did a whole lot of continuing education, which I never had time for. Because I was always working and teaching and my husband and I’d had a nonprofit. And it was just like, I was like, Wow, I’ve got this time, I’m gonna do this. So the first week, I didn’t see any clients, and I didn’t teach anything. And I just was like, learning and like, this is amazing. And I don’t have to get up, I go to work. And then the next week came, and I was like, Oh, god, my car payment is due, like, I need, yeah. Oh, we need groceries. Oh, we like what am I going to do? So I reached out to my boss and said, Can I, you know, tell my clients that I’m available to do a virtual session, you know, FaceTime, or Skype, or whatever. I did actually know about zoom, because our nonprofit had used it in the past. So I was, I was familiar somewhat with it. And she’s like, yeah, that’s, that’s fine. If they’re interested. You can you can meet them and just do your payroll the way you normally would. And so, you know, I just emailed or texted my texted my clients and said, you know, if you want, I’m available, and the majority of them were open to it. Of course, they were like, well, I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any equipment. And, you know, I said, do you have? Do you have a gallon of water? Do you have a can of soup? We can work out with something. So the first couple of weeks, that’s what we did. I just I would FaceTime
the whales.
Jill Whalen
So we would use Yep, if they needed it. But you know, a lot of them did actually have some stuff. Some of them didn’t. And I would just do you know, bodyweight workout, but it depends on the client. So I have one, I have a client who has a mini home gym, but with her and we don’t really utilize much more than the weights because we focus more on core work and balance. And you know, she’s had some knee surgery. So we don’t necessarily need the equipment. It just depends on what the goals are. And so from there, it just, it just grew by more and more clients were doing it less than less people were going to the gym. Less than less people were comfortable going when it did reopen. I know a lot of the clients canceled their membership because they weren’t utilizing it. But they you know, they wanted to continue to work out. So we were doing zoom sessions. And we’re case time again. Like I said, whatever. I’ve been pretty open if they want zoom or Skype. Yeah, yeah, whatever. I haven’t done Google meet yet. I haven’t done Facebook video yet Facebook Messenger. But you know, I’ve said to them what, however it works for you. If that works. Most of them do zoom just because it’s easy. They’re all familiar with it now Kim
Amr The Internet Guy
very famous. Yeah. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
It did. You know, there was there was a few issues at the beginning, you know, like, Oh, I can’t see you. I can’t hear you again. But but it worked out. I’ve said many times for the amount of sessions that I’ve done, and not just my own personal training sessions, but things like happy neighborhood projects and and the one on ones that I’ve had after for the amount of sessions that I’ve done on zoom. I really have not had any issues with it knock wood you know very reliable so that’s that’s how I started I did that was my
Amr The Internet Guy
pivot. The first thing zoom saved you in like, more or less, like, yeah, zoom and the other apps like it, but like, I think, in my opinion, why zoom became more successful and more famous is because it’s so easy to use.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, it was I mean, yes, I even the people that were like I don’t see you I’m like okay, there’s a little video yeah, see that video. I can tap that. Oh, there you are like, yep, here I am. We’re good to go. And and it was, you know, It’s been a it’s been a real so you
Amr The Internet Guy
move from the face to face, and you just had to email or text everyone to tell them I’m available use whatever device you have, and we can still do the training. Did you have to pay more and like think about them booking online or like introducing something else into that mix.
Jill Whalen
Um, at first I didn’t, because I just was I was still working through the community center. And then I started to get more and more people. And at that point,
Amr The Internet Guy
that was a word of mouth, it has nothing to drive where you worked before. So correct. It was just, you
Jill Whalen
know, referrals. Yeah, referrals. And at that point, it was, it was getting a little overwhelming with texts. So I started using calendly calendly app, which has been amazing for not just me, but for my clients as well. Because, you know, for the I’ve always just been like, yeah, text me, let me know, if you can’t make an appointment and
Amr The Internet Guy
10 emails, does that right? Back and forth?
Jill Whalen
Can you do Tuesday, I can do Tuesday, can you do 12? No, I can’t do
Amr The Internet Guy
a link pick up the time that
Jill Whalen
you like. Exactly. And so calendly has been amazing, I just I went ahead and was like, just take my money.
Amr The Internet Guy
Expensive $8 or something $9 a month, it’s, it’s, the free version works as well, like the free version works well.
Jill Whalen
And that’s what I had used at the very beginning. And then when I boot version gives you a little bit more
Amr The Internet Guy
customization. And then you can link it with your resume so that the meeting, link is inserted automatically. You don’t have to do that yourself.
Jill Whalen
Which I think is again, fantastic. Because then I don’t have to text. I don’t have to start the meeting and text the link and then get in. It’s just they have it. And you
Amr The Internet Guy
get these reminders automated. Although mine came at 11pm at night, but that was 12 hours. Yeah, 12 hours before the call. So sorry. It’s an email, it’s an email. It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t ring or anything.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Well, I do. Yeah. calendly has been amazing. Because I just, you know, I get an alert. I’m like, Oh, I got it. I got an appointment. And I just know. It. It’s
Amr The Internet Guy
looking applications are huge. Like we, we used to use them. You know, like usually, when something like this starts, their target is usually companies because you’ve got a company with 2050 employees. And they all have meetings to do and it’s hard to organize. And it’s hard for the manager to figure out where everyone is at at a given moment. Yeah. So a tool like calendly would not just help the organization of these meetings, but it will also write it to your calendar. So if you use apple or Apple or whatever you use as your calendar outlook, it will just write that meeting down for you. And block that time. So it’s not bookable anymore. So but it’s not just COVID. But recently, these apps picked up as well, because now individuals like we can all use something like this. Yes, like, even for your personal life. You know, like, you don’t usually when my son says, Hey, Dad, I want you to take me wherever on that day, I say, You know what? Use my calendar because I can’t tell you I don’t know. Like, yes, like you go click the link and,
Jill Whalen
and and one of the things I don’t I think it’s what the paid version of calendly, you can have up to X amount of calendars. So I have my business calendar, and I have my personal account your family appointments for my daughter and my husband. And and, you know, I don’t put her honest appointment on my business calendar that’s on our family calendar. But
Amr The Internet Guy
but so that is right on the release that time slot. Exactly. So just looking into one place own right. And that’s the part that like, I would like people to think about. Because like, yeah, you could use your calendar directly without having a third party application. But if you have more than one calendar, it becomes more complicated because yeah, either you have to check three or four places, or the person you’re talking to has to do that. Yeah, I was calendly. You link all these calendars. And then they only get one link with one bookable place. And the software does all this checking for you. Yeah. And all what to do like sometimes. Like sometimes I look at my day, and I’m booked at sporadically throughout the day. And there are sometimes laws that are not booked. But then I don’t want them book so what I go I just go and block the whole thing.
Jill Whalen
salutely Yeah, it’s we
Amr The Internet Guy
because there’s no point like there’s like half an hour there 45 minutes there is like yeah, I need time to eat like, you need time to go to the bathroom
Jill Whalen
and do like yeah and and drink some water and refill your water and it’s funny because my my my daughter just got we got a text yesterday saying who wants to go sledding tomorrow? And I looked at my calendar and was like, I don’t have anybody till 430 Let’s go
Amr The Internet Guy
off and near your house.
Jill Whalen
Her friends have a have a hill nearby at a school but we’re lucky
Amr The Internet Guy
British Columbia is full of hills. Yeah, all around us. Like even where I live. Yeah, but you don’t have the snow. Why would I have this snow? Yeah. Yeah, we can put soap on grass. That wouldn’t work.
Jill Whalen
Now, yeah, that’s
Amr The Internet Guy
a good idea for the grass. Or the animals outside?
Jill Whalen
Probably not. I guess if you had like a natural, you know, non toxic.
Amr The Internet Guy
Olive oil or Middle Eastern. So like, yeah, just yeah, olive oil. That word.
Right on the bottom of your
Amr The Internet Guy
mosquito bite. Use only for like, you know, like the movie. What was it was Windex. Be careful, because this shows our age.
Jill Whalen
That’s true. You know, I don’t think millennials would know what the hell we’re talking about here. No, no, they don’t I have a couple of clients who are like in their late teens, early 20s. They’re sisters. And I’ll say they’ll say something. And I’m like, Oh, yeah, that’s like the movie blah, blah, blah. They’re like,
Amr The Internet Guy
No, he’s like, Get The Karate Kid. Because of Cobra Kai. So that’s a good thing. Just,
Jill Whalen
we just rewatch the early
wax on wax off.
Jill Whalen
Early on, in COVID, I started we started doing, you know, movie nights, and we would watch all the movies that, you know, I’d show my daughter all the moves that I grew up watching. So we watched the original one. And we didn’t watch the second or the third one. And
Amr The Internet Guy
I didn’t know there was this weird one until I watched Cobra Kai. I kept thinking like there’s a third one. Yeah, it’s a terrible doesn’t have enough cause
Jill Whalen
it’s terrible. Yeah, we just watched that two or three nights ago. And it was like, what are we watching this for? This is Yeah,
Amr The Internet Guy
this is ridiculous. Some of the sequels like I haven’t seen back so the future three yet? Like one and two, but I haven’t yet done three I am. It’s like,
Jill Whalen
they’re dragging it. I bought
Amr The Internet Guy
it at some point in the 90s. Whatever.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, well, like you said, Yeah, we’re gonna show our age we keep talking.
Amr The Internet Guy
Exactly. And tell them I don’t know. Gone with the Wind. That’s not our generation. But it’s a great classic.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, you gotta maybe go back a little further, right? Every time
Amr The Internet Guy
I see somebody with that name, like, you know. Anyway, so let’s go back. Yeah, I digress. Guys. You know, I digress. I stopped talking. I used to be a trainer, right. So it’s like I’m always lecturing.
Jill Whalen
Yep. Yep. Me too.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yep. And yeah, you you’re not going to give people some exercises wax on wax off as part of now. Even if they’re over 60. or?
Jill Whalen
Yeah. They would know it knows people would
Amr The Internet Guy
gigs in size. Yeah. I’m gonna give you a
Jill Whalen
guess. Right. He does a lot of breath work. Yeah, that. That’s important. That’s part of the holistic care breathing and meditating. And you know, Miyagi, knew what he was doing way back. Exactly. Yeah. We just didn’t know it. We didn’t know.
Amr The Internet Guy
We didn’t appreciate me again. Enough.
Jill Whalen
Amr The Internet Guy
So the first thing is, you are forced to bring zoom into the equation. And then the second one is like, Okay, how do people book and instead of me wasting the time trying to look in 1 million calendars to find the item free? I just give them one link to make the life easier, then yeah, what happens next?
Jill Whalen
Well, I started using Google Forms because they’re easy. So when I have somebody new, or even my clients that have been with me
Amr The Internet Guy
intake questionnaire,
Jill Whalen
yep. Yeah. Because they need to, you know, tell you Yeah, it is. Okay, there is a whole health history. I mean, there is it’s, it’s, it is like when you go to a new doctor, could you try theories asking me to try Gosh, I don’t know. So there is a You know, I want to know, their their history with any injuries or illnesses that may affect them any medications that they’re on any surgeries or any? Yeah, any, you know, for my women clients, have they gone through menopause? Have they? Or are they going through?
Amr The Internet Guy
Feeling like Do they have right? Yeah, the heat? I don’t know what they’re called, like, I’m not sure yeah.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Any, you know, are they experiencing? Are they experiencing any symptoms? How do they leave? How do they, you know, do they follow a special diet? Did they? They drink alcohol? Did they? Have they ever smoked? So it is like, think about when you go to a doctor for the first time, all of those? It is I you know, it’s
Amr The Internet Guy
I’ve had people realize, like, yeah, since you you don’t have this data from Google and Facebook, they don’t make it public. Right? The person has to tell you themselves.
Jill Whalen
Well, I’ve had people in the past, say to me, like, Can you just put a program together for me? And I’m like, Well, I need to talk to you a little bit before. Well, I don’t really have time, like, well, then I I’m not making a program for you. It’s not, you know, I understand.
Amr The Internet Guy
I get this with websites as well, like, Oh, I need a website. Okay. The first question is, why? If you answer why do you need a website? Like why then you don’t need a website? But yeah, I mean, like, if you don’t know why, yeah, what a website was due to business. And you don’t have a clue what’s gonna go in there? What am I going to do? Like, you know,
Jill Whalen
Yeah, yep. Well, and that’s, you know, people will say, Well, why do? Why do we have to? Why do we have to talk? I’m like, Well, what are your goals? Well, I just, I just need to start working out.
Amr The Internet Guy
YouTube is best friend, if that’s what you like
Jill Whalen
it Yeah. Or, you know, find somebody on Instagram, there’s a million people on Instagram, you could watch or Facebook or YouTube or I, you know, there’s nothing wrong with any of those, you know, modalities. But if you want something personalized, I need to know about you as a person. Like I need to I you know, I’m not going to tell you to do an overhead press. If you’ve had a if you’ve got a frozen shoulder like it’s not, you know, like, if you had a rotator cuff injury, if you’ve done you know, if you’ve had knee problems, I’m not gonna make you do a jump squat. Like there’s no, there’s a lot of detail. And a lot of times people are like, Oh, my God, this is like six pages long, like Yeah, well, yeah. I’m trying to 30 Oh, probably. At least 30. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Like you said, it is holistic. Yeah. You know, I
Amr The Internet Guy
love Google Forms, though. They they’re easy to use, again, like a winner software here. You could like, this is the part I I did it myself as well. I’ve got a questionnaire for people who want a website, either a new website or a redesign of the existing. And it’s not a long one, of course, I think I have about 10 questions. So it’s about five to 10 minutes to fill. Yeah, it’s shorter than mine. But yeah, but the thing is, look, I’m a web designer. And I built that form on Google. And I’m still too lazy to go and build, like, rebuild it on the website, like, as a form as a website for because Google is so easy. Yeah, I just integrated it on the page on the website, and I left it with Google. And the reason for that as well, that number one, when somebody fills it, I get notified right away. Number two, I can export, everything comes from this form in an Excel sheet. Like really quickly and easily, which is it can be done if you build the form as a webform. But then the processing of the form becomes a little bit more complicated, like what happens after it’s filled, and what does the information live. And usually one thing that people don’t see, if you have a very successful webform on your website, and when people fill it, if the information lives in your website’s database, like some forms, they just when you fill it, they keep the info on the website itself. Number one, for security reasons, you don’t want people’s data. Like if you get hacked, you don’t want if your website gets hacked, you don’t want people’s personal details to be there. Right. Number two, your database is gonna just keep growing, the more people who are filling your forms, and then your website will be humongous than it will be. So it’s way better to have a form whether it’s a web form or Google Form, to actually get that the data State saved and stored somewhere else not inside your website. And Google does this, like you, you know, it’s on your Google Drive, chances are, you won’t be hacked your website and your Google Drive. And like, I don’t know, unless you lose your phone or something.
Jill Whalen
God forbid,
Amr The Internet Guy
like, yeah, if you lose your phone, and you don’t have a pin or, or any sort of login security on it, which is like unlikely in this day and age, but that that’s a far fetched scenario. But in general, you try to keep your pieces of digital digital real estate apart, don’t put all the eggs into one basket. So the choice of Google Forms, Jill is brilliant.
Jill Whalen
amberlynn, I
Amr The Internet Guy
need to find out like, how did you hit all that? Like, how did you have to research or it just comes like, a gut feeling? Or like, how did you end up using these three things like zoom? calendly? And because there’s hundreds, like for every one of them? Yeah, there’s hundreds of options.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. So zoom. As I had said, earlier, my husband and I ran a nonprofit with a friend of ours, and we use zoom for that, for you know, he lived about an hour away. And if we needed to get online, we would do it via zoom, if we had, if we needed to talk with members of our team, and they were, you know, at home. It was it was just easy. And because we were a nonprofit, I think it was like, I don’t think we had to pay anything. So we just, you know, I was like, Oh, I know how to use zoom. I’m going to try that. And so I did it that way. Google Forms I had also used for some of the stuff that we’ve done on the nonprofit. So I’d had some experience using it for people signing up for events and things. And calendly, I actually heard about on a podcast from a trainer, an online training group. They trained coaches and personal trainers. And
Amr The Internet Guy
you’re lucky because they they gave you the easiest to use. Yeah. And it’s not just easy. They’re not that expensive, like Google suite. I mean, okay, Google, if you have a Gmail is free. But if you use the corporate Google suite, is $5 a month or something? Yeah. What? 899?
Jill Whalen
Eight? Yeah, I think calendly is $8.
Amr The Internet Guy
So when you when you upgrade to the paid version is like maybe 1499 or 999? Get remember the exact like, I had an offer from zoom. And I think I paid $200 for the whole year. For for like the unlimited thing. Yeah. And so at least you’re gonna tie me after 40 minutes and then back. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
Well, and because I only do one on ones and I don’t have the money that you know, I don’t I don’t even have the zoom. Yeah, I haven’t needed to purchase the zoom yet. So yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
I’ve used it for from 2018. Okay, to on a little bit, two years and a half, the free version worked very well. The only reason I upgraded was because it was cheap to upgrade. So I thought like, you know, let’s add this to the arsenal of it. Yeah. Like, I don’t have to worry about it. If If I ever I haven’t done that yet, but if I ever need to do a one to many cold, yeah. Or like, I don’t know, like live or whatever, then
Jill Whalen
it is something that I’ve thought about that if I am going, you know, I’ve been asked Are you going to offer classes, you know, and if I do decide to do that, I will do one on one, right? Not a one on one, I would need to upgrade to this. Because I wouldn’t want to be like, okay, we only have 40 minutes. Let’s go. Like no chatting. Let’s
Amr The Internet Guy
be quick.
Jill Whalen
And, you know, if I it’s something I’ve been contemplating anyway, but you know, the, the classes I would do would be 30 minutes anywhere is
Amr The Internet Guy
a secret, though. If you click the same link, it still works. It’s just the inconvenience of being cut off.
Jill Whalen
Ah, yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. If you’re on a zoom call on the free version, and 30 minutes is gone. Just click the same link again. And it works. Huh, okay. Yeah, I think they did it on purpose, because they don’t want to be so bad to people like, you know, yeah,
Jill Whalen
not now. Yeah. Not during COVID. When everyone’s isolated, they want to at least though people connected.
Amr The Internet Guy
Now you’re building a software network.
Jill Whalen
I know not realizing it. I said I wasn’t.
Amr The Internet Guy
And then you’ve got your Google Forms. Yeah. So what happens next
Jill Whalen
So once
Amr The Internet Guy
you get your life more,
Jill Whalen
well, I’m actually I made it kind of simple. And I saw you They can either do Venmo or, or they can pay via Venmo or they can pay via Zell.
Amr The Internet Guy
Oh, looking for a way to get your money online, right? Yeah. Without having to build that on a website. So it’s like you want to send a link to pay? Yeah. Okay. So you went with Venmo, Venmo, Venmo.
Jill Whalen
And then BMO and then my bank has Zell, Zell. Yeah. I don’t know if it’s only Zelda, z E, LL. e. So not every, like zelie. Yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
zilly zilly. Whatever. zelle.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Okay, the E LL. e.
Amr The Internet Guy
Sounds like an ocean machine. Like meal? Yeah. So that’s how so Venmo and zelle. Basically, this is like a payment gateway. Yeah. And they just give you a link, right? Like you set up your account there. And then you end up with a link that you can send to someone to pay.
Jill Whalen
Yep. So I have a Venmo account, personal, and then I have a Venmo business, but you know, that payments that so that it keeps it separate from my own expenses? You know, like when my sister when a pay
Amr The Internet Guy
pal as well, or? No,
Jill Whalen
I don’t I don’t have I don’t do PayPal? Because I have I have PayPal personally. And to set it up for business. That was Yeah, it was just like, No, I’m just not gonna bother with that. Yeah. So I mean, I did have to hydrate the bank and set up a bank account a new business bank account when I became a business, but that was
Amr The Internet Guy
used to work. In the, um, we call it a rec center here in the community center. Yeah. So and then the payment used to go like they would process the payment for you get there and give you your money or whatever. Exactly. Now, when you move on. Yeah. But as an individual, you’re not set up as a business, which also is your tax returns. And so you have to go I set this
Jill Whalen
up. Luckily, my your My husband is self employed. And our accountant, I just emailed and said, I’m doing this, what do I need to do? And oh,
Amr The Internet Guy
like the, the I set it up for you? Yeah.
Jill Whalen
So she just said, you know, here’s what you need to do. We can do it for you, or I mean, it was like, I had to register as a business. I’m like, I don’t need to pay you. Did you? I am an LLC, a limited liability Corp. So
Amr The Internet Guy
keep that in Jersey? Not Delaware. No, just kidding. No, because Delaware, they allow non non US citizens to have corporations there. If you wanted to trading license, there are like there are some regulations that you can only trade outside the states. But it will be a company registered in the states and and then you have to pay. I can’t remember the name of the tax. There’s some tax that you pay on an annual basis, even if your returns are zero. But like, Yeah, but I think I get our money somehow. Yeah, I think it’s like, it’s good if you have a need for it, but it’s also bad because sometimes it’s misused, like, shell corporations and stuff. Like
Jill Whalen
somebody will find a way right, though.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah. But yeah, but everyone should be set up properly as a business because you don’t want to complicate your tax returns. There’s the thing that comes to you through your business is money coming to the business, not personally and then you can pay yourself a salary or whatever you want to do, but at the end of the day, keeping those separate they have a lot of benefits for you. Like your life will be a little bit simpler.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Yeah, so I done that when I set myself up as you know, as in the business and and payment usually comes well i i have also done you know, I have a few clients that have been with me for a long time that will pay via cheque just because they’re okay
Amr The Internet Guy
old school picture and then let your bank know like take a photo of the cheque or you have to deposit it
Jill Whalen
now I can’t my bank Yeah. Oh, ball. Yeah, I could do mobile so they’ll actually mail me a check like with an actual mo comes down to
post with us. Yes.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. Real like actual mail.
Amr The Internet Guy
All the check in your hands. Yes. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
It’s very strange. And I’m like, what,
Amr The Internet Guy
I don’t want to do this and COVID times, especially that if they lick the envelope.
Jill Whalen
Well, I’m not licking it. Hands. So even even when they send a check, I I do know I deposit it. mobily from my bank, so
Amr The Internet Guy
So now you’ve got 1234 software’s. I’m assuming you didn’t add anything else, because that kind of closes the loop. Hell, I don’t think.
Jill Whalen
No. Oh, yeah, that’s pretty much it for what I use tech wise
Amr The Internet Guy
to do the sessions. Yeah. And then one to one sessions, and then Kennedy for the booking Google Forms for the questionnaire to learn more about the client. Yeah. And then Venmo and zelly to get paid online using credit card or whatever, debit cards. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
However, they however the client wants to however they decide that’s, that’s what I accept. So yeah.
Amr The Internet Guy
So yeah, so this leaves only one part is the marketing part. So like, What? I’m assuming you do a lot of social media, because it doesn’t look like you’re relying much on a website that like the word website didn’t come into the conversation. So it’s probably social media.
Jill Whalen
So it’s funny when you said, let people that you know, you, they asked you to do a website? Yeah. Yeah. They
Amr The Internet Guy
don’t know what I’m like.
Jill Whalen
I’m like, I know, it’s me. I don’t know what to put on it. I don’t have any idea. So I don’t have a website. I
Amr The Internet Guy
don’t have that. Oh, you don’t even have like an old one that you don’t use anymore? No, no, have one because you’re working again, I never write. Like they probably have their own like no, right.
Jill Whalen
Yeah. So. So two things really, as far as marketing, I never had to do it. Because I worked at the community center. And if somebody, you know, took my class, and they wanted to train with me, they would just say I want to trade with you. And I’d say, okay, go to the front desk and tell them, you’re with me. Or somebody would come in and they’d say, you know, I want a personal trainer. And you know, these are the things they would talk with my supervisor, and they would say, you know, she would ask them, what are your goals? Why do you need a trainer? Blah, blah, blah? And then she would say, you should work with Joe. So I never had to do any marketing. So with this whole thing is very
Amr The Internet Guy
word of mouth. Yes. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
So so for referrals, primarily right now. And then I’m doing some social media. I’m not. I’m showing my age on it exactly.
Amr The Internet Guy
Two hours a day on.
Jill Whalen
Right. Not I don’t I don’t have the time to do that. So I do do some I have a, a Facebook group that I put out to the people that are my friends. And you know, they can join and I, I do like, I love that they have Facebook scheduler and Instagram scheduler, that’s great. So, you know, once a week or so I’ll sit down and I’ll do all of my posts, and I’ll schedule them out. So that way, it’s not every day. And that way, once they get posted, I will reply when things come in. I’ll you know, a couple of times a day, I’ll reply to any, any comments. So it’s not hours and hours that I’m spending social media. Yeah, it’s I know, I probably should be better at it. Because this is how I am, you know, will generate business. I will say I did do a, like a little challenge at Christmas time is the 12 days of fitness. And I put it out to my group and I had you know, about 20 people participate. And out of those. I had three people by sessions. So there’s, you know,
Amr The Internet Guy
if that’s Yeah, 15
Jill Whalen
Yeah. And yeah, so it’s, you know, I’m doing those little things and, and then the other thing I’m doing is a lot of networking, which I never had to do. But happy neighborhood project has been amazing, because I have met so many people with and that has led me to different opportunities that I never thought of like this. I never.
Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, I like it, too. I’ve only done maybe three goals.
Jill Whalen
Oh my goodness, you have to do more. I learned
Amr The Internet Guy
about it like six or seven months ago. I’m okay. I’m not an introvert. But as I would never know it, but I yeah, yeah, I’m across as an introvert.
Jill Whalen
I know. But, but I am.
Amr The Internet Guy
But as a techie, the thing is, most of the time, I’m busy getting the work done. And I that doesn’t leave me with a lot of time to talk about my business and what I do and how I help you. But when I do, I’m good at it. The problem is like to get myself to sit and like take time out and network. I have to say I shouldn’t be lazy and no one should be lazy, especially that most of the networking now is virtual, like I used to go drive downtown to downtown Vancouver to attend You know, events and WordPress meetings and things like that. And now everything is online. So there’s no excuse. And you can see, one of the reasons I like the one that we go to, which is the the Pacific happy neighborhood. It’s 11 or is it 1212? o’clock? I think so is the middle of the day on a Wednesday, from Yeah, there’s no excuse, like, because some of the networking events and some of the networking groups like BMI, they meet at 730 in the morning, that’s torture for me. Like, yeah.
Jill Whalen
Well, but you also have children and you have a job. And you, you know, like, it’s not so easy.
Amr The Internet Guy
I play soccer when we had soccer before they started. So there was
Jill Whalen
so I, for me, the happy neighborhood project, I, I actually went back and looked at it at my scalp, my calendar. And the first meeting I went to, I think was September. And since September, I have added over 100 people to my LinkedIn connections. Wow. And I never, you know, the first we met on the I think it was the western Canada one. Yeah. And I for the first couple of times, I did it and I did it maybe for three weeks in a row. And then you know, and then life happened and clients can you know, schedules and, and I didn’t and I had only gone to the New Jersey one. And then I realized, you don’t have to just go to the one where you’re located. Especially if you are
Amr The Internet Guy
virtual since your classes are online now.
Jill Whalen
Amr The Internet Guy
need somebody Australia or like Yeah,
Jill Whalen
right. So I actually have gotten a few clients from happy neighborhood in Colorado. Okay, Massachusetts, and I think she’s in Florida, but she may have moved Well, yes. So. So that’s why, like I said, I’m My goal is to make it downwards. But yeah, where it’s sunny and warm. So the happy neighborhood project. The first time I did it, I was like, Oh, god, I’m gonna have to talk to people. Like, I don’t want to do this. And it’s like, so weird and embarrassing. And oh, like, awkward. But once I started doing it a couple of times, and I started because I again, I only went to the New Jersey one, I saw the same people over and over. And they were giving me Yeah, you become familiar and and I had a couple of one on ones and, and the feedback they were giving, you know, because I’m here I am thinking I’m like, Oh my god, I’m so awkward. And this is so strange. And I spoke to the people I spoke to were like, you didn’t sound like you sounded like you knew what you were doing. And I was like, really? Because I’m thinking I sound like an idiot. But it’s, you know, it’s because I’ve never done it before. And now it’s just second nature. Like, I’m like,
Amr The Internet Guy
bitch, right? You’ve got time, even if you want it to be awkward, like you’ve got the
Jill Whalen
right, exactly, exactly off
Amr The Internet Guy
to go bang, bang, bang, bang.
Jill Whalen
Right. And, and so, happy neighborhood project introduced me to a woman who actually lives about 10 minutes from where I am. And she and I had a one on one. And she’s part of a women’s networking and empowerment group. And she invited me to that meeting. And so I did that and, and I ended up joining and I’ve met so many different people and have, like all these different opportunities. Today, I had a meeting with somebody who’s in England, and she invited me to host one of her coaching sessions, and I never would have done any of this. Yeah, like,
Amr The Internet Guy
you’d have to practice the accent. Okay, repeat. neuter?
Jill Whalen
Yeah, it’s just I think it’s just, yeah, that’s really amazing. Yeah, it’s been really amazing. I met somebody else through happy neighborhood project, who invited me to a networking group and I met somebody there who invited me to their New York based one. And I’ve had, you know, now I’m working with somebody who does concierge services through hotels in the city who, you know, wants me to offer
Amr The Internet Guy
exactly the
Jill Whalen
things I never, ever would have thought of. Yeah,
Amr The Internet Guy
ideas, new ideas on how to deliver more of what you do really well. Yep. To another group of people who would otherwise have no option.
Jill Whalen
Right? They’d have no option and I never would have met them right like I through the traditional Yeah,
Amr The Internet Guy
Jill Whalen
Through that I’d never would have met someone in West Canada because I’m not like I don’t perceive like especially
Amr The Internet Guy
like or we’re not that flat.
Jill Whalen
like six hours, whatever.
Amr The Internet Guy
If you get lost upstate New York, you’ll find yourself in Montreal, but
Jill Whalen
it’s been so the marketing has been Interesting thing for me, because again, it’s not something I’ve ever done. I, if you had said to me three years ago, if you had said to me a year ago, now, would I ever imagine that I could do virtual personal training? I’d be like, that’s the thing that makes sense. Why would you do that? Like, I have to be next to the person, I have to say, here’s your weights, I have to be able to walk around them. But it doesn’t. I don’t have to, like, this morning when I was with a client, I said to her right now, I need you to turn 90 degrees, so I can look at you from the side. Yeah, it’s like it’s not a big deal. Like so hard to move versus me to just walk
Amr The Internet Guy
to put their phone somewhere stationary, right, like, on
Jill Whalen
pretty much whatever, like, yeah, most of them either do it via a laptop or an iPad.
Amr The Internet Guy
Okay, so it’s just like, yeah, it stands on its own.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, it stands on its own, though. If they have to, they’ll adjust, you know, I’ll say I can’t see, I can’t see your feet, just tip your screen down. Like I don’t need to see your upper body, I need to see your lower body now. And so it’s, you know, it’s, it’s been really amazing how it’s changed. So, it’s funny, because like, this means that COVID opened new opportunities. And
Amr The Internet Guy
sometimes people feel guilty, saying that COVID did them well. Because, of course, some other people like had some people died. And you know, some people were very sick. And so people lost their jobs. And like I, I had a part like, I’ve always been an entrepreneur, but I also worked on I had a contract that was cancelled because of COVID. Again, like, and that was kind of 90% of my income at the time. And I had to pivot for the rest of the year, just to just to get back into close to what I used to earn after losing that. So yes, there is a lot of hardship. But there are a lot of opportunities if you keep an open mind, and you adapt to what’s going on. And in your case. I mean, I love this story, because this is what I do. Like I keep telling people to switch to digital, you don’t have to switch all at once. You don’t have to switch all your business, but think about what part of my business can i digitize now. And, you know, with some of the software’s that we have discussed today, they’re all easy. They’re all online, there’s nothing to install, you know, you just pay whatever you pay monthly. And some of them, they even have a good free version. And let’s say you’re up and going. It’s kind of a, you know, you take something out. And usually you should start with the process that giving you most of the headache in. In the I mean, I worked for corporations, and I worked for the government before. And I had a CEO who once said, The first thing to automate is the process that has the queue. So if you have customer service somewhere, and there’s a queue of people, there’s the fact that you digitize, that’s the first thing that you give priority to the same example that I was saying earlier, off camera, the liquor stores when they’re there, they became too busy in COVID. And they’re only allowed a certain amount of people in the shop at once. And the only way to do it is to release some time slots online. Otherwise, everyone will come at the same time. And there’ll be a queue outside which defies the purpose of trying to you know,
Jill Whalen
not have people, right,
Amr The Internet Guy
that comes in. Yeah. So things like that, like, and these things are like small steps that anyone can do. You’ve done it on your own, which is great. And I remember you were saying, Oh, I’m not techie at all. So here you go. Like, yeah, so people yeah, you don’t need me anymore. You can do it on your own. And I thought, I guess. Yeah, but when you need the website, you guys are going to need me but you know, for two people like Jill, you don’t need anything, you can just go online and and yeah, and get it all done. And if you have questions, of course, I’ll answer them. Or we can send them to Jill.
Jill Whalen
No, I don’t have to book a session on my calendly
Amr The Internet Guy
questions. People are asking you about zelly and Venmo.
Jill Whalen
Yeah, I that’s that is definitely worth a session. I’ll have to book on. Like cuz I don’t. It might take me a while to explain.
Amr The Internet Guy
Well, Joe, thank you very much for being my guest today. I really enjoyed this conversation.
Jill Whalen
Our thanks so much for inviting me this was a lot of fun. And it was like I said it was something I never would have thought to even participate in before COVID. So really fun.
Amr The Internet Guy
Perfect. I hope people will learn a lot from us or hate us. I don’t know what Yeah.
Jill Whalen
I’m not I’m not the trainer for everybody.
Amr The Internet Guy
I have like the my listeners base are all very cool people. And I know most of them. Well, I mean, it’s growing, but like when it started, I knew most of them personally. And, you know, like with YouTube and stuff, like I put these sessions on YouTube and on all like the famous podcast places like Spotify and iTunes, okay. And YouTube, most of the people will comment, like nine times out of 10 is someone I know. Okay, but on the on the audio, like, I have no idea. It’s just growing on its own. That’s awesome. Yeah. And, um, I didn’t want to do a podcast, but I didn’t know how to do a podcast and I thought that it’s going to be too complicated. And then, like a friend of mine encouraged me and, you know, pushed me to it. And he’s got a great podcast, and I did it. And here we are. You are. Yeah.
Jill Whalen
And it doesn’t feel so terrible out, right?
Amr The Internet Guy
No, no, and I hope it’s entertaining as well. That’s my goal. Like, I want people to learn something new, like walk away with at least one point and have a little bit of fun listening to us. So I think we’ve done that today. So thank you joke. So
Jill Whalen
you’re very welcome. Thank you again, it was great to meet you on happy neighborhood project.
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